Thursday, August 12, 2004

Finding new mistakes from which to learn

One of my Dad's favourite sayings was that you should learn from your own mistakes. With this in mind, I wanted to learn from the mistakes I made when I last moved. When I moved to my previous school I did it all in a mess at the end of the school holidays, moving out of rented accommodation into the flat I had bought in South East London. Little did I know that I would not actually get into that flat till mid-October. Fortunately I had an aunt who had a flat in Catford which she was happy for me to stay in and from where I could easily get to my school . That meant that those six weeks felt very unsettled because of the living-out-of-box-ness of it all and I felt largely unprepared for the job I was going to be starting.

I wanted things to be different this time, which was why I really wanted this job to be different and to be here nice and early. That is how it is and I feel like I will already know the area relatively well by the time I start work at the start of September. What I hadn't allowed for is that fact that I don't really know anyone here and will not have much in the way of ties until I do start work, leaving me feeling a bit out on a limb here, a feeling which is not helped by the fact that we are likely to be moving again in a relatively short space of time when we find somewhere we want to buy. I suppose we asked for that but it does mean that we didn't have to add to the stress of selling my flat by buying another one and somehow trying to coordinate that so the dates met up. It also means that we will have no chain when we come to buy, so it's going to be worth it, but there's this slight disadvantage to it. What experiences have you had of moving house?

In a new series, I am going to name two things I have listened to recently, though in future it will probably be just one if I can be bothered enough to do it every day. I have been listening to Keeper of the Seven Keys Part One by Helloween, which was largely because K's wedding featured the pant-wettingly funny playing of a fifteen year old tape of him singing I'm Alive from that album, including him sort of singing along with the guitar solos. It was so funny because it is exactly the sort of thing I do and so far I believe there is no evidence of it. Phew! I would die! I have also just started arranging to get rid of my record collection and in the course of it I found a copy of a CD by Return to Forever for which I had been looking for ages. The main reason for that is the playing of Al di Meola, who I reckon is about the second best guitarist in the entire world behind Joe Satriani. While I have only just started with Return to Forever and can't judge it fairly, di Meola's Electric Rendez-vous is a masterpiece and any guitar listener should own it.


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