Wednesday, July 07, 2004

The last few weeks of term

I really am finding it hard to motivate myself for these last few weeks of term. The sale of the flat has started and we are now looking at properties in Taunton to rent. The last thing I want to be doing is the routine of marking books and chasing up loose ends, such as lost books and retests, which is of course exactly what I need to be doing. I hate feeling like I should have to use the fact of my impending departure as a stick with which to emotionally blackmail the kids, but they are getting larey and I really do not think I should have to put up with that.
For example, right now as I write this I am in the middle of a year 9 cover lesson in the language lab with a load of kids, most of whom I taught last year or the year before. They are using the internet for some German work and I can see what is on all of their screens – why do they still try to cheat and get the work translated for them or look at football websites when they know I can see what they are doing?
Then again I suppose I am a bit of a hypocrite really, if I can’t be arsed why should they? Gumph! Roll on Taunton!


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