Monday, June 07, 2004

Stag Weekend, day two, the revenge, son of stag weekend et cetera, et cetera, et cetera...

The second day began with me not feeling too great after the first, wondering what exactly I had got out of the day. We all met up after breakfast, some in better form than others and prepared to go off to paintballing. Large plates of fried foods were scoffed with malice aforethought, by me at least, though I gather that some could not face it after the previous night’s activities. That *never* happens to me….
It was at this point that the real disaster of the previous night was revealed. G had left his contacts in a glass in the en suite bathroom of their room and A had drunk them, leaving G, the myopic creature that he is, with no ability to see for the one activity he needed them for all weekend. Yes, driving me home! Never mind the paintballing! So G and A, who knows the area, stayed in Dottingham and the rest of us got into the minibus and headed off to the activity.
Paintballing was a real laugh, though possibly not quite as much as the previous stag based paintballing I had been on, largely because there wasn’t quite as much variety in the games. It was the main thing I had been looking forward to since the itinerary came out and I did enjoy it a lot. I generally stayed put in one place and didn’t run around too much, lumbering oaf that I am. We stayed all day. Highlights were J’s random betrayal of K even though they were on the same side in the last game (possibly because he was missing the traditional hunt the stag game, eschewed by this particular crew, Skirmish), J’s general weird Rambo-esque nutter type antics and K’s kamikaze run at a group of mates, which ended in perfect comic book fashion, with him getting a shot in the nads from close range for his trouble. He won’t do that again…
After we’d got back to Nottingham, we took a while to get cleaned up and then headed out for a few drinks before the meal we had lined up for the evening. We went to a weird but nice combo restaurant at which you could have foods from Italy, China, Thailand and Italy in the same meal. I did and it was very nice. The thing I liked best was the Italian, where you could ask the chef to make something for you there and then from the ingredients he had in front of him. I had two lots of it, it was so nice! Then as we were getting full, the others started playing drinking games. Initially irksome as they were, I found that they were a lot more fun when I became part of the judging of who had broken which rule when and what they had to do as a forfeit. I really enjoyed that as it meant that my stomach contents were largely untroubled in their proper location, which is how I like it.
After that I went back to the hotel. It was a much better day than the previous one. What do you think of that?


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