Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Jaws was non-fiction!

I have always been fascinated by this crazy world in which we are living in and the other animals to be found here. When I was a kid I used to read non-fiction books quite a lot, mostly to fuel my interest in drawing at that stage - I used to love drawing trains and planes, but not cars because we didn't have one and they never seemed desirable. I remember I used to comb my way through my Dad's books about the sea with all the pictures of weird looking fish, mostly so I could use their names for fictional planes which I would draw.

In time I moved on. My Dad read me the Hobbit in bed and that really turned me on to Tolkien and pretty much since then I have geared all of my imagination to that kind of fantasy world - comics, roleplaying games etc. Where's this going with a title like this? Well, when I saw Jaws for the first time, at least partially from behind the sofa or a cushion, I had no idea that it was based in fact, but it is!

How do I know this? Well, yesterday lunchtime I was stuffing my face, as usual, when I happened to stumble on a documentary about the real events which it was based on. This was a real series of attacks by Great Whites on bathers on the coast of New Jersey and even up a river there in July of 1916. There were obvious echoes of the film in the real things that happened.

Why does this interest me so much? I suppose this relates back to my interest in nature, as described at the beginning of this post. These days any programme about sharks, birds of prey or big cats is guaranteed to grab my attention. That's why I was so pleased when Witho got me a day here for my birthday, even if we haven't done it yet. Anyway it should be great when we go.


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