Book meme
I stole this meme from Billy via Maria.1. What book would I like to be?
It must be Tolkien's Lord of the Rings because it made me feel so good when I was reading it and I was upset when I finished it, because, like the best holidays, I wanted it to go on and on.
2. Have I ever had a crush on a fictional character?
I used to have a crush on Rogue from the X-men comic series, back when I read them religiously. I also decided that this girl that I fancied would play Rogue to my Wolverine, even though there was no such romantic link between those two characters in the comic.
3. What is the last book I bought?
I think it might have been The Unifying Force by James Luceno, one of the New Jedi Order Star Wars books, unless you count the Tom Holt books I bought from Amazon as late, late birthday presents for my two aunts, even if there's no chance that I will read them for ages and ages.
4. What is the last book I read?
It was Reunion: Force Heretic 3 by Sean Williams and Shane Dix in the Star Wars New Jedi Order series, which I finished this morning. I have hardly managed to read anything at all this year, so it is nice to get a good run going. My ideal mode of reading used to be to aim to read the book all the way through in as close to one sitting as possible after I really got into The Arms of Nemesis by Steven Saylor a few years ago and just couldn't put it down during the holidays. I ended up staying up all night and reading it all the way through. However it is now even less practical to do this and reading at all during term time is quite difficult, so now I just really go for it in the holidays.
5. What book am I currently reading?
I have now started the next New Jedi Order book, the Final Prophecy by Greg Keyes. I find it very hard to read more then one book at once - I suppose that's part of the reason I find it hard to read during term time.
6. What five books would I take with me if I was stranded on a desert island?
Probably a Greek version of Homer's Odyssey, a Latin version of the Aeneid, Lord of the Rings, probably Raven's book on meter and I'd try to cheat and sneak in Lewis and Short and Liddell and Scott, possibly by hiding the Raven inside one of the dictionaries. Why such bizarre books? Because I'd like to have a go at writing a bit of Latin and Greek poetry. I would have said something by a Greek tragedian or Aristophanes but I wouldn't have got my money's worth compared to Homer and Virgil. Maybe I could have a go at translating Tolkien into Latin and Greek. This is of course assuming that I was stranded alone with no chance of escape. Who would read my efforts is another question entirely....
7. What three poor idiots am I tagging with this FUN FUN FUN?
I choose Witho, Colin/Ray/Ron and Polly. Consider yourselves tagged - apologies if you've done it before but you might have different answers now.
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